Eye of Nyx: Encounter the Part of You That Needs You Most (A Shadow Work Guided Meditation)

Journey with Nyx to discover a long-forgotten part of yourself—a fragment yearning for your attention. Guided by Nyx’s wisdom, explore the depths of your soul and unlock hidden truths. As you merge past and present, you’ll emerge empowered, armed with the knowledge that within darkness lies your boundless potential.

This deep guided meditation is perfect for those of you who love long and immersive inner journeys or love doing shadow work, parts work, voice dialogue or soul retrieval.

I’ve also created an oracle deck, Mirror of Night, themed around dark females of myth and magic, such as Nyx. Learn more or get the deck.


Find a comfortable position, allowing your body to settle in a way that feels supportive and nurturing. As you make yourself at ease, take a gentle journey through your body, a voyage of self-discovery where you seek out any pockets of tension that might have taken residence within. Let time expand as you navigate this landscape of sensations.

Envision your attention as a radiant beam, a river of liquid platinum light, flowing with grace and purpose. Picture this luminous current as something you can wield, a tool with the remarkable ability to reach the very depths where it’s most needed. Feel its essence unfurling like a warm embrace, capable of unraveling knots of tension, alleviating aches, and quieting the cacophony of thoughts that can sometimes imprison us. Allow these precious moments to be a guiding exploration, as you direct this brilliant liquid light towards the hidden wells of discomfort and annoyance within.

Now, as your body gradually releases into a profound sense of ease, let us embark on a journey to expand the boundaries of this radiant essence. Picture it growing in intensity within the theater of your mind, its luminosity brightening with each breath. Watch as its expanse widens, stretching beyond the confines of a solitary beam, morphing into a luminous river that fills every nook and cranny of your being.

Imagine yourself gently floating away from the form you inhabit, observing with a sense of wonder. Whether you find yourself seated or reclining, see yourself as a radiant entity, a celestial sphere of radiant light. Take a pause to bask in the majesty of this transformation—an awe-inspiring sight, as you emerge as a being of resplendent brilliance.

Feel the radiance within you intensify, radiating with an otherworldly luminosity that transcends the ordinary. Watch as it surpasses its own brilliance, eclipsing the mundane. It becomes an incandescent sea that overflows its boundaries, cascading like a waterfall of light that engulfs and devours every detail of your surroundings. Your brilliance becomes so vivid that the contours of your own form start to dissolve, your essence glowing so intensely that even your silhouette becomes but a mere suggestion. As this brilliance escalates, witness the world around you vanishing, surrendering to the sea of light that you’ve become.

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Inside and beyond

In this heightened realm of brilliance, you find yourself amidst a profound cosmic stillness—a place where your radiance stands out vividly against the pitch-black backdrop. The contrast between your luminous light and the surrounding darkness is striking. Imagine floating within this space, the infinite expanse of the universe stretching out in every direction. It’s as if you are the center of all creation, a solitary explorer in the vast cosmic sea.

Take a moment to truly feel the power of this experience. Picture yourself suspended in the midst of swirling energies, surrounded by the boundless expanse of space. Every cell in your body resonates with this energy, and you stand as the single conscious entity within this vast cosmic theater. Let yourself absorb the immensity of your presence—the only existence within a realm where nothing else exists.

As you connect with the intensity of your inner light, you sense its desire for expansion. It’s like a current that yearns to surge outward, seeking a path of expression. In the core of your chest, you can feel it—a swirling vortex of energy gaining momentum. This is your heart’s center, the very core of your being. The radiant energy wraps around it, creating a mesmerizing dance of light and shadow. This dance carries whispers of change and growth.

With each heartbeat, you feel the anticipation building within you. Your heart is not only beating, but it’s resonating with a sense of empowerment. The swirling energy gains speed, spinning faster and faster, like a storm gathering strength. You sense that a pivotal moment is approaching—a moment that will mark a cosmic transformation.

And then, in an explosion of brilliance that defies description, it unfolds. The crescendo of inner bliss and radiant light reaches its zenith—a sensation almost tangible. In this electrifying instant, you sense it—the profound transformation on the horizon. The light within you contracts, collapsing in on itself until it forms a single, impossibly dense point nestled deep within your heart.

You become a pixel of light in the vast sea of darkness, your brilliance receding, replaced by a serene stillness. The void envelops you, a peaceful, nurturing dark that cradles your essence. Take two deliberate breaths, fully embracing your existence. Feel your heartbeat, the life coursing through your veins. In this moment, you embody tranquility—a tranquil haven within the cosmic expanse.

Visualize that minute point within your heart collapsing upon itself, gathering an extraordinary force. In a breathtaking spectacle, it explodes into a single, supermassive supernova. The light originating from your heart surges outward in a brilliant shockwave, momentarily dispelling the darkness surrounding you. Witness the luminous wave as it shatters into countless small pixels of light, shimmering like celestial gems suspended in the cosmic tapestry of space. These dots of light begin to move, spreading away from you, their motion gradually slowing until they come to a rest. These stars are the remnants of your being, each containing the potential and mysteries of your blueprint, waiting to be unveiled and explored. They are the precious fragments that hold the essence of your hidden potential, separated from you by layers of conditioning and the vast interstellar expanse. For a few moments, experience the sensation of existing at the epicenter of your personal constellation—a realm that encompasses both brilliance and obscurity.

Among your own kind

As you sit the in the center of your universe, scan your body for a sensation of curiosity. You recognize that the stars surrounding you are repositories of your innermost truths and the answers you fervently seek. Knowing the stars surrounding you hold precious mysteries of your inner being and some of the answers you’re most desperately looking for, feel yourself be magnetized by their allure and strong presence.

With countless stars shimmering in the endless darkness, you sense that each one holds something special—a revelation about yourself that’s waiting to be illuminated. There are just too many of them…it will be difficult to decide which one to travel to first.

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But in this celestial domain, it’s not just the stars that share the eternal expanse with you. Slowly, an awareness awakens—a presence far vaster and older than yourself. In the depths of this cosmic void, you sense an ancient consciousness, enigmatic and serene. There’s no fear or intimidation, only a profound understanding that this presence is a part of the very fabric of the universe, as intrinsic as the night itself. Allow yourself a moment to acknowledge this presence, an entity whose existence spans eons and whose wisdom flows like the currents of the cosmos. Take a moment to feel this enigmatic presence on the periphery of your universe.

Curiosity stirs within you as you reach out silently into the night—a gentle wish that reverberates like a whispered invitation. You summon forth the enigmatic presence you sense within your inner shadows, a request to unveil the essence behind the darkness. It’s a beckoning, an invitation for guidance in uncovering the star that requires your attention the most—a star shrouded in the mysteries of your being. Somehow, you sense that this presence belongs to the very fabric of your internal night—it’s the night itself. A being older than the concept of time, an embodiment of the primordial darkness that predates all existence.

You sense your call is answered, and within the darkness, a realization dawns. This presence exudes a feminine energy—a formless entity that takes on shape to bridge the gap between your worlds. It’s the darkness itself, yet with a form that allows for communication and connection.

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Encounter with Nyx

As your gaze projects forward into the vast expanse of starlit space, you feel the presence of this enigmatic being drawing nearer. Gradually, you become aware of two immense eyelids, closed just above the horizon of your vision. With a telepathic whisper, you inquire, “Who are you?” In response, her eyes begin to open, unveiling the gaze of the goddess of night herself—Nyx. She communicates telepathically, her voice echoing in your mind.

“I am Nyx,” she reveals. “Goddess of the night, mistress of darkness, the keeper of secrets. In the realm of primordial darkness, I see and understand all that dwells in obscurity. There are no riddles that the night cannot unravel.” Her presence is immense, her age beyond comprehension, her essence as deep and dark as the night. She peers at you from the distance, her almond-shaped eyes reflecting galaxies within them—an awe-inspiring beauty that commands attention.

As Nyx’s gaze remains fixated upon you, there’s a sense that she’s awaiting your purpose, your intention. It’s as if she expects you to declare your reason for awakening her from her eternal slumber. You hesitate, and then, without words, you ask if she can guide you to the star—those fragments of your being—that are in most need of your attention.

For an instant, you wonder if she heard you, but then you witness her response. From across the universe, her arm extends, bridging the gap that separates you. Her hand stretches toward you, its elongated fingers reaching across the cosmic expanse. It’s a moment of sheer awe, realizing just how vast Nyx is—far greater than any perception you’ve held before. Her hand engulfs the universe, but within it, you discern a single finger—an island in the endless sea.

As her hand approaches, you find yourself gently resting upon her finger—a solid oasis within her realm. Nyx’s power surrounds you, a realm of trust and surrender. You feel her wisdom and her timeless embrace, knowing that she holds the night and the stars within her being. You let go and entrust yourself to her—the mistress of darkness.

Resting securely in the palm of Nyx’s hand, you begin to move through the cosmos—a sensation that’s both exhilarating and surreal. Stars blur and streak around you, their luminance turning into radiant streaks as Nyx propels you through the cosmic expanse. The speed at which you travel is breathtaking, yet you remain steady, avoiding the dizziness that might attempt to claim you. Embrace this journey, swishing through the vastness of your inner universe, surrounded by the boundless potential of pure creation energy, guided by none other than the goddess of the night.

After what seems like an eternity of movement, the journey comes to a halt, yet the reassuring presence of Nyx’s hand lingers beneath you. Although her form is just beyond your sight, you sense her materializing from the very fabric of the cosmos. She’s unfathomable, too immense for your eyes to truly behold, yet you feel an unmistakable sense of safety in her presence.

Heartbeat of the Cosmos

 Suddenly, Nyx’s hand begins to ascend, carrying you upward toward her unseen face. As you ascend along her chest, the rhythmic beating of her heart becomes palpable—an all-encompassing hum that resonates through space itself. The sound is both soothing and enveloping, a comforting symphony that echoes the very essence of the cosmos. Let yourself sink deeper into the embrace of this mesmerizing heartbeat—the pulse of the goddess of the night.

As the ascent continues, you draw nearer to her face, and the anticipation builds. You might catch a fleeting glimpse of her features, but her size remains beyond your comprehension. Finally, her chin comes into view—a mountainous presence shrouded in darkness. The contours of her immense face are a landscape of secrets, a terrain of ancient knowledge untouched by human understanding. As her nose comes into focus, another monumental peak, the movement pauses.

Amidst the silence, Nyx’s voice resonates within your mind—a question without words, a choice to make. “Left or right?” she asks, referring to her eyes. It’s a decision that requires your intuition, a sense of where your inner self feels drawn. Take a moment to explore this internal pull, a choice that will guide you toward a deeper connection with Nyx.

With the question echoing in your mind, consider whether you feel more compelled to be brought before her right eye or her left eye. Trust your instincts, as they carry you closer to Nyx’s enigmatic presence, unlocking a journey of insight and transformation within the depths of the night.

With your choice made, Nyx’s hand gracefully shifts sideways, positioning you directly in front of the eye you’ve selected. An electric anticipation courses through you—a feeling of finally meeting the night’s gaze head-on.

Before you is a sight unlike anything you’ve ever seen. Despite the eye’s immense size, it remains closed, adorned with lashes that twinkle like a million stars, evoking the luminescent streak of the Milky Way across the night sky. This view is an honor, a gift bestowed upon you—the chance to encounter the enigma of the night herself.

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Within your mind, Nyx’s voice emerges once more, a gentle whisper carrying profound weight. As her hand comes to a stop, you find yourself suspended right before the center of her eye. She asks you to take a moment to reflect upon your life, to allow your inner intellect to present a visual, an emotion, a pattern, or a scenario that has caused you immense pain. It’s not about forcing an answer with your rational mind; instead, it’s about tapping into the rhythm of her heart—the steady beat that echoes through the interstellar expanse. Trust this rhythm to guide your exploration.

As the beat of Nyx’s heart envelops you, take a journey into your inner being. Let the pulse of the cosmos lead you to a particular memory or struggle that resonates with your pain.

Diving Deeper

Having intuitively selected the painful experience Nyx wishes you to address, she invites you to focus on it—to recall every detail, to unlock the familiar ache that this event or pattern triggers within you. With Nyx’s ethereal presence as your catalyst, you plunge deeper into your heart, becoming acutely aware of the internal sensations unfolding within your body. It’s as if a new universe is born within you, where nothing exists beyond its boundaries, not even the goddess herself.

Fully surrender to the emotion or sensation that surfaces from the depths of your being. Nyx’s guidance is your anchor, and her immense energy allows you to journey inward with a newfound intensity. Let the feelings and sensations flow over you, like a current through the universe within.

Once again, Nyx’s voice resonates within your thoughts—an ethereal presence guiding you through the depths of your emotions. She asks you to remain connected to the pain you’re feeling, all the while gazing straight into her eye. As you focus on the emotional signature, you watch as Nyx’s immense eye begins to slowly open. Her guidance remains clear—maintain your focus on the emotion that courses through you.

As her eye reveals itself, you’re entranced by its otherworldly nature. It’s a canvas of existence itself—an iris that contains all the stars, galaxies, and nebulae that have ever graced the cosmos. Every life, every thought, every moment in time—captured within that single, mesmerizing eye. In this gaze, you grasp the profound truth Nyx has been leading you to: everything you perceive is part of Nyx’s intricate dream—a kaleidoscope of her limitless imagination. The universe rests in a state of infinite potential, ready to transform into anything at the whim of Nyx’s boundless creativity. This realization floods you with liberation and excitement—anything is possible, even the transformation of your own life beyond your wildest dreams.

Nyx’s voice draws you back to your emotion, your heartache—an anchor amidst the cosmic expanse. The dark pupil of her eye transforms into an immense swirling portal—an event horizon of possibility. A rush of gravity pulls at you, the unknown beckoning. Nyx brings you even closer, and in her gaze, you sense a mix of fear and curiosity. A tear of golden light falls from her eye, forming a protective talisman around your neck—a shield against your fear. As it settles around you, fear dissipates, replaced by excitement for what lies beyond the portal.

Without hesitation, you step into the swirling darkness, surrendering to its pull. Deeper and deeper you sink, embraced by the all-encompassing void of Nyx’s realm. You sense the weight of an answer waiting for you on the other side—the answer borne from the pain you carry.

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The Arrival

Gradually, a glimmer emerges beneath your feet—a speck of light amidst the abyss. You’ve arrived at your destination. Blinking away the darkness, you find yourself orbiting a brilliant star—the same stars that surrounded you before your encounter with Nyx. This star holds significance—it’s one of your many soul fragments, an undiscovered treasure awaiting your attention.

Awareness dawns as you realize that this star represents a part of you—an aspect of your being that has been calling out for your attention. Finally, the moment has arrived to connect with this long-neglected facet of your existence. As you orbit the star, a sense of anticipation grows within you—a merging of energies and a communion that promises insight, healing, and transformation.

The gravitational pull of the brilliant star tugs at you, drawing you closer with an irresistible force. As you orbit the star, you can sense the answer you seek hovering just beyond your reach. The anticipation builds as you continue to spin, knowing that within this star lies the very heart of the matter you’ve been seeking to understand.

The Hollow Star

With a final surge, you connect with the star’s molten surface, passing through it as if it were a veil. Instantly, you find yourself within a dark, cavernous space—the very heart of the star. All light disappears, leaving you in the depth of this hidden realm. Nyx’s voice returns to your mind, explaining that you’re about to encounter someone special—the part of you that was cast out into this abyss to shield you from the pain and suffering that began the cycle of triggers and patterns.

As you stand on the precipice of this meeting, a mix of excitement, fear, and even a touch of shame swirl within you. The realization that you’ve exiled a part of yourself into this hollow star sinks in. You strain to pierce the darkness, eager to glimpse the being waiting for you in the shadows.

Nyx’s golden tear, the necklace you wear, begins to radiate a soft glow, casting a dim light throughout the room. In this subdued illumination, you spot a silhouette positioned opposite you. It begins to move, inching closer, step by step, toward the center of the chamber. As the silhouette draws nearer, details come into focus, revealing the figure of the part of you that’s been summoning your attention.

In silence, observe this part of yourself—a fragment of your consciousness that longs to communicate with you. Allow your perception to unfold—male or female, young or old, their energy emanating with their unique presence.

As this part of you comes fully into view, grant them the space to express themselves in their own way. Allow them to reveal why they’ve beckoned you, why they’ve needed your acknowledgment and recognition. Remember the connection between their exile and the negative emotion Nyx guided you to feel while in her presence.

Nyx’s voice echoes within your thoughts, urging you to immerse yourself in the emotions that arise during this interaction. Be present with this fragment of your consciousness, a part that holds answers and insights crucial to your understanding.

If you haven’t already, take this moment to inquire why this aspect of you took on the specific form it did during your encounter. Is there a reason for the gender, age, or appearance it presents? Listen to their response, allowing their voice to guide you into deeper understanding.

As the exchange continues, Nyx’s voice returns, a gentle whisper that reminds you to immerse yourself fully in this experience. Feel the resonance of the emotions, the weight of their words, and the energy of their presence. In this intimate space of connection, you’re forging a bridge between the conscious and the subconscious—a journey of healing and acceptance guided by the goddess of the night.

In the presence of your long-forgotten self, ask whatever you need to, and be open to their responses. Remember Nyx’s wisdom—within the depths of dark creation energy, all possibilities arise. Spend this time connecting with this fragment of yourself in a way that feels natural and genuine. Explore and discover, share and listen, as you traverse this newfound realm together.

A Farewell and a Choice

As your time together draws to a close, inquire where this part of you wishes to journey next. Does it desire to remain within the star, join you in your everyday life, or perhaps reunite with another fragment of your consciousness? With a shared understanding, watch this aspect of yourself move towards its chosen path, empowered by the choices you’ve made together.

With the departure of this fragment, a shimmering golden portal emerges before you—a gateway inviting you to transition. Step into it, trusting Nyx’s guidance and the transformative journey it promises.

As you emerge from the portal, you find yourself once again in Nyx’s celestial presence. Her eyes meet yours, and in that connection, you feel the resonance of the new you—the you who has integrated a fragment of your consciousness. In this moment of communion, bask in the transformation you’ve initiated—a journey of self-discovery and healing.

Nyx’s hand begins to move once more, guiding you toward her immense mouth. As her lips part, a gentle breath escapes—a nebulous stream of vivid, iridescent colors. This enchanting stream envelopes you, carrying you through a universe of hues, each shade a reflection of the integration and healing that has taken place within you. With every swirl and shift of color, you embrace the joyful weight of transformation, a tangible result of your inner journey.

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Gradually, you become aware of your physical body, resting exactly where you began this meditation. Inhale deeply, a smile gracing your lips. As you exhale, open your eyes to the world around you. You’ve emerged from the depths of Nyx’s realm with a newfound sense of self—a culmination of your connection with the hidden aspects of your being. Carry this transformation with you as you navigate your journey, empowered by the guidance of Nyx and the integration of your own cosmic potential.


Interested in Nyx?

✦ Get Mirror of Night, the ORACLE DECK

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