Gaze of Kali: Move Beyond Illusion & Meet Your Future Self (A Shadow Work Guided Meditation)

Sit or lay down comfortably, allowing your body to sink into the bed beneath you. Take a moment to center yourself, focusing on your breath as it flows in and out of your body. Feel the weight of your body, the sensation of your skin against the surface, and the gentle pressure of gravity anchoring you to the earth.

Watch the full guided meditation!

With your eyes closed, let your imagination take over. Picture your surroundings in your mind’s eye, envisioning a typical day unfolding around you. Suddenly, the familiar solidity beneath you begins to dissolve away, and you find yourself floating weightlessly in mid-air. The world around you fades into darkness, engulfing you in the vast expanse of space. In this void, where only a few distant stars twinkle someplace faraway, you experience a profound sense of both awe and apprehension.

Embrace the sensation of weightlessness as you hover in the depths of the cosmos, surrounded by the infinite expanse of the universe.

As you float in the darkness, you begin to feel a subtle pressure building beneath you, gradually increasing in intensity. It’s as if an unseen force is pulling you downward. With your mind’s eye, you peer beneath you and witness your essence dissolving into wisps of smoke, spiraling towards a swirling, supermassive black hole. The black hole looms before you, its gravitational pull irresistibly drawing you closer. You can feel its ominous presence, hear its deep, resonant hum echoing through the void.

As you surrender to the inevitable, allow yourself to be consumed by the darkness of the black hole. Feel the edges of your being blur and fade as you are pulled beyond the event horizon, into the unknown depths of oblivion. In this moment of surrender, embrace the profound transformation taking place within you. You are letting go of the old, making way for the new, and stepping into the unknown with courage and acceptance.

As you merge with the infinite darkness of the black hole, remember that this is not an end, but a beginning. From the depths of oblivion, new possibilities emerge, and the journey of self-discovery continues, endlessly unfolding like the stars in the night sky.

As you linger in this state of formless consciousness, there is a profound sense of liberation in the emptiness that surrounds you. Without the confines of physical form, you are free to explore the vastness of existence.

 Suddenly, a familiar scent fills the air, cutting through the darkness like a beacon of recognition. It is the scent of oriental incense, warm and inviting, triggering memories of sacred spaces and ancient rituals. As you become aware of your human essence within this void, you feel a solid ground beneath your feet once more. With a sense of curiosity, you wiggle your fingers, marveling at the sensation of tangible reality returning to you.

 Hello? You call out into the abyss, your voice echoing into the emptiness. There is no immediate response, but you sense a presence, an unseen observer watching you from the shadows. Who are you? And who am I? Your words hanging in the air like a prayer seeking answers from the unknown.

 In response to your inquiry, a pair of piercing, catlike eyes materialize before you, suspended in the darkness without a physical form. They are intense, bloodshot, and yet strangely comforting, as if they can peer into the depths of your soul. The eyes multiply, surrounding you in a mesmerizing dance of illumination and scrutiny. They move with a fluid grace, each set conveying a sense of ancient wisdom and divine insight.

 Who are you? You repeat your pledge, feeling both awe and trepidation at the presence of these enigmatic eyes, which seem to hold the secrets of the universe within their gaze.

 As the eyes converge into one pair and a fierce crimson tongue emerges where a mouth would be, the space around you begins to brighten, revealing the figure of Kali, the Hindu goddess of destruction and rebirth. Towering over you, she exudes a commanding presence, her dark blue skin and multitude of arms adorned with intricate Hindu jewelry. Yet, it’s the eerie necklace of severed male heads rotating around her neck that draws your attention, alongside the bloody knife she wields, though you sense no malice in her demeanor.

 You’re Kali. You recognize the deity who embodies both terror and transformative power. Despite your fear of her depictions, you’ve always been drawn to what she represents, the unapologetic truth and the transformative potential of destruction and rebirth.

 With a swift and ferocious motion, Kali grabs you, her hands penetrating your very core as she pulls you deeper into the cavernous void. Telepathically, her voice resonates in your mind, a deep, hoarse whisper urging you to confront the depths of your pain and the reasons behind your existential turmoil.

 She forces you to witness a holographic vision, an agonizing portrayal of the aspects of life and yourself that you’ve long sought to avoid. Despite your attempts to resist, your eyes remain open, fixated on the harrowing scenes unfolding before you. The vision is visceral, perhaps a metaphorical representation of your inner struggles or a direct reflection of past traumas. You may find yourself both observing and participating in the scenes, confronted by the root causes of your suffering and the patterns that have perpetuated your agony.

 WATCH! As Kali commands you to keep looking, her silent voice echoing in your mind. I won’t release you until you’ve faced the truth. This is why you sought me out. This is essential. As the vision begins to fade, leaving you raw and vulnerable, you feel a sense of relief wash over you. The pain, though intense, has been cathartic, releasing emotions that have been suppressed for far too long.

 Listen! As Kali urges you to listen, her voice is softening. What does the pain have to tell you before it departs? You listen intently, hearing the whisper of insight from the depths of your own suffering.

 With a decisive motion, Kali raises her knife and severs the remaining threads of the vision, allowing it to bleed and fade into nothingness. In its wake, you are left with a profound sense of release and renewal, the weight of your burdens lifted by the transformative power of Kali’s presence.

 The pain you once knew is gone, as is the version of yourself who dwelled within it. Kali’s voice is resonating with finality. Now, you must embrace the one who approaches. It’s a new self, unburdened by past suffering, accepting of imperfections, and unafraid of emotion.

 A new vision unfolds before you, one infused with positivity and possibility. Though you now have the option to close your eyes, you choose to keep them open, eager to witness the emergence of your transformed self.

Feel the presence of your new self. Kali’s words are a gentle prompt to engage fully with the vision unfolding before you. You observe as this new version of yourself interacts with the world, navigating with grace and resilience, unashamed of the scars that adorn its being.

 In this vision, you may find yourself experiencing firsthand the sense of empowerment and selfacceptance that defines your new paradigm. Or perhaps, you observe from a distance, witnessing the unfolding of your own evolution with a sense of awe and wonder.

 Who are you now, in this new paradigm? You are someone who embraces vulnerability as strength, who seeks out connections that honor your authentic self rather than conforming to the expectations of others. You are resilient, courageous, and unapologetically true to yourself.

 As the vision begins to fade, Kali once again intervenes, her knife slicing through the fabric of this hopeful future. You’re taken aback. Why would she destroy your bright prospects?

 I am neither a fortune teller nor a miracle healer. Kali’s explanation is carrying the weight of truth. My purpose is to show you yourself. To reveal the patterns that keep you stuck and to illuminate the path toward transformation. There are no shortcuts to enlightenment, only the arduous journey of selfdiscovery and growth. I have shown you who you can become; now, the choice is yours.

 With these words, Kali’s presence begins to recede, leaving you to contemplate the revelations she has bestowed upon you. As the echoes of her voice fade into the darkness, you are left with a newfound sense of clarity and purpose, ready to embark on the journey of selfwork and transformation that lies ahead.

 Confused by Kali’s actions, you look to her, silently pleading for clarity. With a fierce gaze, she produces an item in one of her hands. It’s her right hand that holds a small, intricately carved wooden figurine. A representation of Kali herself. As you accept the item, you feel its weight in your hand, its smooth surface a reminder of the guidance and empowerment she has bestowed upon you.

 Kali’s offering is her final gesture, a tangible symbol of her wisdom and support as you continue your journey of selfdiscovery. Perhaps she has given you this figurine to serve as a reminder of the strength and resilience you possess, or as a talisman to guide you through the challenges that lie ahead. Why do you think she’s given it to you? What does having it in your possession feel like?

 With a sudden motion, Kali seizes you in all her arms, spinning you around with a force that leaves you feeling disoriented. As you whirl through space, you notice that you’re spinning against the direction of the black hole’s pull. It’s a deliberate act of defiance against the forces that once held you captive.

 Abruptly, Kali releases you, and you are expelled from the black hole, hurtling through the void until the familiar sight of Earth comes into view. You descend rapidly, reuniting with your physical body as you merge seamlessly back into the earthly realm.

 Kali’s offering is her final gesture, a tangible symbol of her wisdom and support as you continue your journey of selfdiscovery. Perhaps she has given you this figurine to serve as a reminder of the strength and resilience you possess, or as a talisman to guide you through the challenges that lie ahead. Why do you think she’s given it to you? What does having it in your possession feel like?

 With a sudden motion, Kali seizes you in all her arms, spinning you around with a force that leaves you feeling disoriented. As you whirl through space, you notice that you’re spinning against the direction of the black hole’s pull. It’s a deliberate act of defiance against the forces that once held you captive.

 Abruptly, Kali releases you, and you are expelled from the black hole, hurtling through the void until the familiar sight of Earth comes into view. You descend rapidly, reuniting with your physical body as you merge seamlessly back into the earthly realm.

Interested in Kali?

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