In the labyrinthine corridors of our minds, there exists a room that defies the physical dimensions. It is a room where the universe folds itself, shrinking both our worldviews and the objective reality we perceive. These walls, bereft of doors and windows, begin to creep closer, slowly encapsulating us in a constricting embrace. As the space tightens, we find ourselves grappling with a suffocating sense of entrapment. Yet, beyond this room, the world thrives in boundless vastness, untethered by preconceived conclusions and unburdened by established meanings.
Dynamics of Perception and the Eternal Loop
Reality contains no predetermined strokes of meaning; it is an ever-evolving masterpiece, an infinite array of experiences waiting to be uncovered. Every moment, every interaction, is a brushstroke painting the canvas anew. It dances with potential, limitless and uncharted. The patterns and laws we discern are mere echoes of the grand symphony playing out before us. Even in the constancy of repetition, the world never presents the same visage twice.

Why then do we find ourselves in the loop, a relentless cycle that seems to echo against the vast expanse of the cosmos? It is the confines of our minds that lead us astray, binding us in the chains of cognitive bias. We clutch onto established beliefs, seeking confirmation rather than illumination. The refusal to question, to peer beyond our mental borders, locks us into patterns that obscure the greater truths. The universe yearns to reveal its secrets, but our closed minds dismiss any evidence that threatens to reshape the fragile narrative we’ve woven.
Audacious Inquiry: A Code of Conduct of the Master of Reality
Amidst the cosmic silence, a courageous soul emerges, embarking on a journey of radical introspection. They dare to question the unquestioned, to challenge the very foundations of knowledge. This audacity thrusts them into the tempestuous waters of cognitive dissonance, a storm where conflicting thoughts collide and clash. But it is within this tumultuous sea that the mastery of reality is forged. The ability to withstand the pressure of contrasting truths, to navigate the storm without succumbing to the pull of conclusion, marks the ascent of a true master of existence.
Reality is a palette of black and white, splashed with myriad shades of contradiction and juxtaposition. The master of reality comprehends that existence is stretched on a spectrum, dualistic in nature. They refuse to be swayed by the allure of absolutes, understanding that each shade of gray is a nuanced manifestation of polarity and always striving to imagine the invisible night, a flipside of the perceivable day currently veiled from perception. The realm of mastery lies in the ability to observe without allegiance, to appreciate the intricate balance that births the kaleidoscope of existence.
The master of reality is the one who’s brave enough to question everything they know and are told is bound to put themselves in a state of cognitive dissonance, one of the most uncomfortable experiences a human can have. But it’s exactly one’s willingness to withstand the pressure of mental contrast and resist jumping to a conclusion that makes one a free man. True mental robustness and resilience rests on one’s ability to observe contrasting evidence without leaning toward either side and form a personal opinion before further evidence is revealed. A master of reality understands that all phenomena exist on a scale between two opposites, and the particular shade of grey becomes the manifestation.

Preference vs. opinion
To have a preference is to become aware of which shade of grey on the reality spectrum enhances one’s experience. To form an opinion, however, is to buy into the concept of the shade in order to ease one’s mental pressure.
We’re built to avoid cognitive dissonance at all cost as it evolutionarily leads to indecision and social incoherence, and thus is a threat to survival. That said, the inability to consciously enter the state of cognitive dissonance in other to restructure one’s beliefs is a threat to thriving. It is precisely what makes a person end up in a perceptual room without doors or windows.
In other words, the inability to entertain the notion of dichotomy is an enemy to personal awakening and purpose. It renders the mind judgemental, delusional and unwell. It makes a person feel trapped in their own reality.
Acceptance of Dichotomy: A One-way Ticket Out
Escaping the self-constricting room requires an embrace of dichotomy, a willingness to wander through the vast landscapes of contradiction. This embrace is the portal to personal awakening and purpose. The inability to fathom dichotomy renders the mind a prisoner of its own making, a captive within an illusory fortress. A judgmental, delusional, and unwell reality takes root, stifling growth and thwarting connection.
Breaking free from the confines of the suffocating room of rejected duality, we embrace the expanse of existence where doors and windows reveal themselves as mere illusions, and the walls of perception yield to the relentless hammer of inquiry. Within the cacophony of ever-shifting truths, we uncover not only the liberation of understanding, but also the purpose that sets course for the journey of our soul, guiding us towards a profound connection with the boundless reality that stretches far beyond the depressing limitations we once accepted.
Breaking the Chains of Determinism: A Bold Leap Forward
In the midst of established routines and predictability, a path towards liberation emerges—one less traveled, beckoning us to challenge the grasp of determinism. By venturing beyond familiar habits and exploring uncharted realms, we infuse our lives with the vibrant colors of choice. This departure from the ordinary becomes the cornerstone of our rebellion against the constraints of predestination.

In our daily lives, patterns quietly influence our decisions. Identifying these recurring patterns empowers us to unravel ourselves from the web of predictability. By shedding light on the tendencies that guide our actions, we equip ourselves with the tools to rewrite our narrative. This heightened self-awareness serves as a compass, guiding us towards new paths and novel possibilities.
A powerful catalyst for dismantling the chains of determinism is the art of inquiry. By critically examining our conclusions and delving into the roots of our beliefs, we uncover the layers of assumption. This process reveals the core of our convictions and aspirations, aligning us with our genuine desires. This convergence of beliefs and yearnings empowers us to make choices that resonate with our true selves.
To transcend the grip of determinism, we seek unconventional avenues that satisfy our needs in unexpected ways. Liberating ourselves from conventional norms, we embrace innovative paths of fulfillment. Cultivating this audacious spirit, we reshape the boundaries of what is possible and navigate uncharted waters. These unconventional routes become vehicles of transformation, guiding us towards unexplored dimensions of experience.
Beyond Confinement: The Power of Perspective
On our journey to liberate ourselves from deterministic constraints, we grapple with the enigma of perception. It’s not external forces that confine us within walls, but rather our own interpretations that define our reality. The universe exists without predefined limits; it’s our viewpoints that shape the canvas of experience. Our task is to transcend the confines of our interpretations.
In the pursuit of liberation, we start an inner revolution. This voyage involves expanding the boundaries of our mind through introspection and unrelenting questioning. As the walls of our perceptions become more transparent, we invite truth to flow in. This deliberate evolution of understanding heralds the emergence of authentic free will. With every question we pose, every assumption we challenge, the influence of determinism weakens, and the power to shape our narrative is reclaimed.
In the human dimension, perception is everything. We have but the faintest idea of what exists outside its bounds. As we uncover the limitations of perception, we reveal a realm where free will flourishes, naturally and effortlessly. On this journey beyond the confines of our inner horizon, a mesmerizing panorama of possibility continuously unfolds.

And you wouldn’t believe the wonder waiting for you on the other side of the nonexistent dark walls.
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